Sunday, November 30, 2008
Dear Future ENG 304 Students...
Now that we have that established, I can move on to some important items I want to share with you - namely how YOU can be successful in this class. For ease sake I have broken up my suggestions into four main categories - all of which are extremely relevant to this course - and chosen three items I feel will prove most helpful if you heed them...
Managing the Client Project
1. Be yourself when organizing into groups - having a good group is KEY, and you don't want to misrepresent yourself and have to spend the rest of the semester regretting it
2. BE FLEXIBLE. This project has its roots in collaboration WHICH MEANS that there are going to be differing opinions and (at times) conflicts of interest. Do your best to keep your focus on the project and what is going to benefit the client the most versus keeping nit-picky tabs on group members and their ideas.
3. HAVE FUN. This is a semeseter long project and there are bound to be days when you don't feel like working on it but remember that this project is different from any other you have done because you are actually producing a product that is going to impact the community!!!
Preparing Career Materials
ok so I know you probably think I am crazy but I PROMISE you the people there are INCREDIBLY nice and INCREDIBLY helpful and they will equip you with everything you need to have a killer resume, cover letter, and everything else you might need in this arena.
Handling Technology
For this class you are required to keep a blog (what you are reading now is a blog) as well as establish and develop an e-portfolio...
1. Don't be a techno-phob. I promise I am about as computer illiterate as they come but this stuff is b-a-s-i-c. A rudimentary working knowledge of the internet and an open mind is really all you need - and a little patience!
2. Don't be afraid of new things - you adapted to the New Facebook just fine I assume :)
3. Don't be afraid to ask for help! We don't all work at CCIT but there are people who do! And Mrs. Rogers is extremely helpful and understanding as well. USE YOUR RESOURCES.
Making the Most of the Class
1. Use your time wisely. Mrs. Rogers does a great job of letting you know when things are due so you have no excuse to say you didn't know. Follow her To-Do List and you will be golden!
2. Don't throw everything you learn out the window after an assignment is done - you are going to be in the work force the rest of you adult life - you need this stuff!
3. Put your heart into the Client Project. As I previously stated, this project is happening in real life. Get excited about making a difference!
Best of luck to you all!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Client Project Reflection
My group has been really wonderful - such a blessing! I have been in horrid groups before and that is always a real fear of mine but praise the Lord He provided and we all work really well together. As a group our biggest obstacle has definitely been TIME. We are all super busy and so finding time when we can all meet has been a bit rough.
My group has been awesome on a personal discovery level as well. It is a habit of mine to think that I have to take on everything or it wont turn out ok and my group has really helped break me of that because of the mutual diligence, intelligence, and conscientiousness we share - a fact for which I am MUCH appreciative. The faith they have endengered in me will certainly aide me in future collaborative projects.
My favorite part of the project is definitely seeing how far we have come from the beginning and knowing that what we are producing is going to have a "pay it forward" effect - very cool and inspiring!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Dual Coding: like NIKE, your brain "just does it"
Friday, October 24, 2008
An Apple a Day Does NOT Keep the Embarrassment at Bay
Friday, October 10, 2008
Interview Reflection
2. Did you get any questions that threw you? How did you handle those questions?
The very first question "Tell me about yourself" always gets me. I never know exactly what to say to answer that because there are so many things to say about yourself. I never know what aspects the interviewer is really looking for and what will just sounds cliche...
I handled this by trying to give a few tidbits from my personal life, some from my academic life, and some from my spiritual life.
3. If you could do the interview again, what would you do differently? I would probably have tried to be more aware of what I was doing non-verbally because I know that that can speak volumes and I wish I had been more cognizant of that.
4. What did you learn from this experience?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Presentation Reviews
In particular, I enjoyed the fact that Ms. Rogers allowed us to choose something that we care about to present on because it gave me further insight into my classmates' wide range of personalities and interests.
This being said, I would like to say that the three presentations I have chosen to write about are not better or worse than anyone else's - they just happened to grab my attention the most based on my personality and interests :)
1. Rob Painter: Historic Events of October 3rd
I enjoyed this because it was very unique and unscripted. Rob presented it with the perfect balance of spontaneity, sincerity, and sarcasm - not an easy task! Well done, Rob; I will forever remember October 3rd.
2. Shawn Corey: Officiating Triangle Style
What drew me to Shawn's presentation was his topic of Duke vs. UNC - a rivalry that has healthily occupied my heart since I was a young lass. My older brother brought me to love the Tarheels of the early and mid-90's and I have retained a special affinity for them ever since because they stir up fond childhood memories of my brother and me.
3. Frankie Bennett: Marijuana
You have to laugh! I cannot imagine why he chose to do marijuana over every other topic in the world but it was hilariously unexpected. It leaves me to wonder how exactly he knows so much about it and why exactly it is so near and dear to his heart... Care to comment, Frankie :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Favourite Things
Since we have a free topic this week I thought I would indulge everyone a little in the life of ME :)
*these are in no particular order - aside from the order they popped into my mind*
1. Cloudless days
2. Eating half-ripe peaches
3. Eating ricecakes with overripe bananas and strawberry applesauce- no comments allowed until you have tried one prepared by yours truly :)
4. Seinfeld
5. Gilmore Girls
6. The color green
7. My nose stud
8. Getting dressed up
9. The smell of cinnamon
10. My roommate, Juliana
11. Making (and eating) my own Hummus
12. Running in the rain
13. Laughing til it hurts
14. Whole Food grocery market
15. Watching people sneeze
16. Finishing a run
17. Wishing upon a shooting star
18. Sitting by a fire with friends
19. Sunbathing
20. Watching "the light bulb go off" when a child learns something
Monday, September 15, 2008
The D.L. on the C.L.
Here is a run-down of the new things I learned:
- An employer looks at the cover letter AFTER the resume ~ Not totally sure I believe this. It is possible but the article made it seem like an absolute. Also, I fear it downplays the significance of having a good, strong cover letter if you go into it thinking it is merely going to be an "after-thought" to your potential employer
- The resume is the place to highlight me; the cover letter should focus on the company and how I can specifically meet their needs ~ Seems to be a logical point
- Mass e-mailing/posting is pointless; unsolicited people do not really stand a chance - the best they can hope for is to be filed away (not thrown away) and miraculously resurrected at a [much] later date ~ I think this came across as way too strong, absolute, and pessimisstic to be considered accurately valid. While it does help to know someone at the company, I do not believe I am destined to fail at any & all attempts of being recognized by an employed human being if I send out my resume to several businesses via the internet...
- Take time to investigate the employer and his/her business - why should they invest time in trying to get to know me if I have invested no time in trying to get to know them? I really liked this point! It was not an angle that I had previously viewed the situation from but it makes complete sense!
- A successful resume should specifically and personally address (1) What the product [me] can do for the customer [prospective employer] and (2) What the customer [prospective employer] needs to do to buy product [me] ~ Not being a business major, I had never really looked at the situation from this "marketing" stance before but I think it is a really neat way to do so and will help me keep my focus as I think about what kinds of things to include in my cover letter
- The "Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease" is alive and well in the workplace ~ While I can specualte as to the article's motivation behind making a statement such as this, I am not so sure I agree with it. I believe that it is important to "stand up in order to stand out" [so to speak] but I also know that there is a fine line between ensuring you are recognized and just being way too presumptuous and forward. If you achieve the latter while attempting the former, you will most likely not get the job. It is also important to consider the personality and atmosphere of your prospective employer - a "squeaky wheel" attitude may be valued by some and abhorred by others. In job seeking situations, it is not very often that you know enough about personality or atmoshpere to take this risk...
Taking all the articles into consideration, I would say the most helpful/useful section was defintely the Sample Cover Letter one because it is one thing to read about all the "how-to's" but it is another to actually arrive at a product that utilizes all the information you just gathered. Seeing an example helps make the final product seem less scary and more tangible!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Learning a Few Tricks of the Trade
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
In His Hands
Monday, August 25, 2008
The End of the World as We Know It?
The Web 2.0 video clip definitely got me thinking. It absolutely blows my mind to think how far techonology has advanced in the last 20 years - heck - in the last 2 years! I believe it is probably called "Web 2.0" because the Internet and all its associated technologies have expanded so much such their humble beginnings that it has become necessary to distinguish this era from its birth era.
There was a time, not so long ago, that one computer machine took up an entire room; now we have computers that are faster, hold more space, and can perform far more functions than earlier ones, yet are a fraction of the size. It really is incredible.
As amazing as this "technological revolution" is, I believe it also raises cause for concern on many levels. One thing that worries me is that technology in our society is advancing exponentially while the actual people who make up that society are not. As a matter of fact, the only exponential growth people are having is in the horizontal realm and it is called an Obesity Epidemic...
I have strong reason to believe the two are invariably related in a double-edged sword sort of way. Allow me to explain:
Where do people get ideas for technological advancements? Why, everyday life of course!
The vast majority of all (if not in fact ALL) ideas, inventions, etc. take form when a person has a need in his or her daily life and envisions a product or appliance that would fulfill that need in a faster, cheaper (?), more efficient way. BOOM. Advanced Technology is born.
The catch is that now people are sitting on their bottoms more than ever before because technology has literally brought the world to our fingertips - we need not hardly move a muscle.
Don't believe me? Just look around at the personal appliances you are personally a consumer of and ask yourself "Why did I buy this?" AND more deeply -"What am I using this to replace?"
The answer to that second question is where my real fear for the future of the workplace comes in. The more we "feed the machine" as the video so accurately suggests, the less we as humans are needed. That may sound harsh to some but, if you really stop and consider what I am saying, I believe you will come to agree.
Allow me to elaborate a little using an example most everyone will be able to understand:
First there were people.
If person A wanted to talk to person B, person A would have to stop what they were doing, go find person B, get in a close enough proximity that person B could hear them, and speak the same language as person B in order to effectively communicate.
Some time later, mail was invented. This helped things because now person A need not seek out person B themself, they simply needed to buy paper, a writing utensil, and a stamp and write person B a letter about whatever it is they wanted to say and the glorious Pony Express (or later government-run postal service) would take care of the rest. Person A and person B would still need to have knowledge of the same language.
After mail there was a nifty little invention called the telegraph, followed by the electric telegram. These two machines were quickly outdone by Alexander Graham Bell and his invention of the telephone. All of these helped person A and person B communicate faster and farther away than ever before , but -with the telephone -an important era began: person A could now actually voice a messeage to person B without being anywhere near person B. This concept resulted in many a business/industry boom.
I think you all see where I am going with this...
Now,not only do we have mobile computers and mobile phones, but we have phones that are computers and computers that are phones (i.e. SKYPE)! With today's extensive technology, persons A and B are able to see and hear one another thousands of miles away - even if they do not speak the same language (via internal translators). It is absolutely mind boggling.
But let me ask you something - how many of these super-intelligent machines have all but replaced one or more human occupations?
Yes, a human still has to operate some of the machines but others are, for the most part, completely autonomous. Machines doing jobs that humans used to do, hmm...
Small scale = efficiency
Large scale = down right frightening
How much longer before the divison between humans and machines is indistinguishable? How much longer until we are the machine? Are we already?
Another question to ponder - how much interaction/intimacy has gotten lost in the technology boom? Well, the decline started long ago. Refering back to persons A and B, we wrote instead of visited, then we called instead of wrote, now we text instead of call and webcam instead of visit.
Many people have jobs where all of their client interaction happens over the computer and neither client nor service provider ever actually meets the other. Keeping in the job realm- the vast majority of job posting, applying, and resume sending is all via the internet nowadays. No personal interaction required.
Maybe I am old fashioned but that doesn't sound like something I want to be a part of.
It is also important to note that employees prior to and including the baby-boomer generation are being "let go" to make room for new, young hire-ees who are web wizards. The entire dynamics of the work place is changing.
The rest of the world is changing too -and at such an EXTREMELY quick rate - that many are just getting swept up in the technology tide without even thinking about all its implications. It is for this reason that I whole-heartedly agree we must, as the video spells out, rethink everything.
Our world is changing and we must decide how we feel and where we stand on issues.
I believe it will be a sad day when/if people ever submit (consciously or unconsciously) in such a way that implies they are okay with a machine (s) dictating their life.