Friday, October 10, 2008

Interview Reflection

1. Were you nervous? How did you deal with this? I have done a few interviews already so I was not too nervous. Also, I felt confident because I know the direction I would like to see my career go in and am extremely passionate about it. The fact that I know Mrs. Rogers and feel comfortable talking with her helped to =)

2. Did you get any questions that threw you? How did you handle those questions?
The very first question "Tell me about yourself" always gets me. I never know exactly what to say to answer that because there are so many things to say about yourself. I never know what aspects the interviewer is really looking for and what will just sounds cliche...
I handled this by trying to give a few tidbits from my personal life, some from my academic life, and some from my spiritual life.

3. If you could do the interview again, what would you do differently?
I would probably have tried to be more aware of what I was doing non-verbally because I know that that can speak volumes and I wish I had been more cognizant of that.

4. What did you learn from this experience?

This interview really just affirmed for me that I do indeed have a huge passion for what I am seeking to do with my life and that makes me feel so blessed =)

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