Monday, September 22, 2008

My Favourite Things

Since we have a free topic this week I thought I would indulge everyone a little in the life of ME :)

*these are in no particular order - aside from the order they popped into my mind*

1. Cloudless days

2. Eating half-ripe peaches

3. Eating ricecakes with overripe bananas and strawberry applesauce- no comments allowed until you have tried one prepared by yours truly :)

4. Seinfeld

5. Gilmore Girls

6. The color green

7. My nose stud

8. Getting dressed up

9. The smell of cinnamon

10. My roommate, Juliana

11. Making (and eating) my own Hummus

12. Running in the rain

13. Laughing til it hurts

14. Whole Food grocery market

15. Watching people sneeze

16. Finishing a run

17. Wishing upon a shooting star

18. Sitting by a fire with friends

19. Sunbathing

20. Watching "the light bulb go off" when a child learns something

1 comment:

rpainte said...

Hey, this is Rob. Just wanted to let you know i wrote about your presentation on my blog.